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University Library Zurich


Old Law Library (AJB)

The AJB is supervised by the «Center for Legal History Research».

Collection size 1'800
Publication date

16th to 20th century

Database swisscovery
Access on site upon request

CIMELS Reference Library

The library located at the Center for Islamic and Middle Eastern Legal Studies (CIMELS) maintains a collection of books on Islamic law.

Collection size 380
Publication date 1935-
Database Excel-Table (XLSX, 28 KB)
Access on site upon request

Library of the Europa Institute at the University of Zurich (EIZ)

The EIZ library has a collection of books on European law. It is located at Hirschengraben 56, 8001 Zurich.

Collection size 3'200
Database swisscovery
Access on site upon request

Giacometti Library

The Faculty of Law is in possession of part of the estate of the constitutional law professor Zaccaria Giacometti.

Collection size 5'000
Database swisscovery
Access on site upon request

The «Giacometti Library» is so named because this room originally only housed the donation from Prof. Zaccaria Giacometti. However, the UB Law has received further donations, which are also housed in the Giacometti Library. Here you can find more information about our special collections

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