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University Library Zurich

Book a Study Space

Impressionen von UB Räumen

Escape the daily routine at home, study in peace and quiet, or meet up with your study group: The UB offers around 3’000 study space at its different locations.

Reservation Portal «booked»

UZH members can book their study space or group room via the

Reservation Portal booked-UB

Non UZH members can reserve seats at the UB Law via booked-UBZB extern 

How to deal with reserved spaces

It's like in the SBB carriage: Free spaces in the reservable area can be used by everyone, but the person with a reservation has priority. We therefore recommend that you reserve your study space. Please note that reservations expire after 30 minutes if not used and may be deleted from the system (see terms of use (PDF)).

If a space is marked as booked in the system but no one is actually using it, go to the info desk, so we can cancel the booking so that it will be available for reservation again.

Long-Term Study Space

Several UB locations offer long-term study spaces. See Location navigator  (filter: long-term study space) for availability and specific conditions.

Empty Rooms = Study Rooms

UZH Seminar rooms and lecture halls can be used for self-study as long as no courses are taking place and the rooms are open.

Weiterführende Informationen