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University Library Zurich

Our Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship in Information and Documentation (I+D) at the UB

At the University Library (UB) Zurich, we offer a varied and exciting apprenticeship with focus on librarianship in an academic environment. You will also have the chance to do two external internships, one in an archive and one in a public library.

You will have the opportunity to realize your career aspirations in an interesting environment with optimal support, contribute your ideas and immerse yourself in the world of education and knowledge.

We firmly believe that everyone deserves a safe and respectful space, regardless of their origin, religion, sexual orientation or identity, and this is what the University Library of Zurich stands for.

Statements from Apprentices

  • Lernende UB 2023
  • Statement Amra englisch


  • Statement Diellon englisch
  • Statement Julia englisch
  • Statement Noura englisch
  • Statement Paul englisch
  • Statement Sofia englisch
  • Statement Stella englisch

Initial Vocational Education "Fachfrau/-mann Information und Dokumentation EFZ"

Information and documentation specialists deal with the selection, cataloguing, storage, preservation, and presentation of media and information.

Apprenticeship at the UB

Training positions 2-3 per year
Duration 3 years
Trade school 2 days per week
General conditions
  • Introduction to all departments and areas of the University Library (UB)
  • Two external internships: archive and public library
  • Can be completed with or without the "Berufsmaturitätsschule" (BMS)
  • Graduation: Federal certificate of competence / Federal VET diploma

Open Apprenticeships

Beginning August 2024


Beginning August 2025
  • 1 apprenticeship in area 2 (Law)
  • 1 apprenticeship in area 4 (Medicine)
Introduction days

The next introduction days will take place in the spring semester of 2025.

Please direct your request to David Ehrat via telephone (Tel. 044 634 50 48) or e-mail.


University of Zurich
UB Medicine Careum
David Ehrat
Gloriastrasse 16
CH-8006 Zürich

044 634 50 48

Weiterführende Informationen

Questions about our Apprenticeships?

Vocational Training UZH

Questions about Our Secondary Vocational Education?

Ladina Tschander, lic. phil. MAS IS

+41 44 634 31 70

Secondary Vocational Training I+D