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University Library Zurich

Our Teams


The UB comprises around 220 employees that work:

  • in one of the six areas, where they are responsible for operations on location and media processing,
  • in digital services (e-media, open science services),
  • in IT infrastructure,
  • in managerial positions in departments such as Innovation and Communication, Human Resources and Finance.

Media Services

The Department for Media Services is responsible for the end-to-end process of ordering, collecting metadata equipping and sustain documents ordering, collecting of metadata, equipping and assists the e-media team in cataloging e-resources.

User Services

The entire operation of the locations is in the hands of the User Service team. They staff the information desks, manage the courier service, or handle interlibrary loan requests.

Liaison Services

Our Liaison Librarians are, aside from librarians, also researchers, consultants, and teachers all in one. They operate at the interface between the library and academia. They are responsible for media selection, UB/ZB course management, and contract research. They maintain close contact with the researchers and students of the UZH and advise them on information science matters.


The E-Media team coordinates the acquisitions of the UB of the Department of Natural Sciences. It negotiates publishers, activates e-media, and maintains the infrastructure. The team works together with the E-Media team of the ZB, which is responsible for the electronic media of the social sciences and humanities.

Open Science Services

The data librarians and experts of the OSS team are available to UZH members for all matters concerning data management and open access publishing. They support the creation of data management plans, advice on Open Access and manage repository and publishing platforms.

Innovation & Communication

The team for Innovation and Communication monitors and reports on trends in the library community. It ensures a well-coordinated supplementary training program and, together with other teams, continues to develop the UB's range of services. The team develops our key performance indicator system and supports the areas with surveys.


E-Services takes care of the entire IT infrastructure of the UB and is responsible for the infrastructure's further development. In addition, the team takes care of room reservation and occupancy analysis systems and develops web applications.

HR and Finances

The Human Resources and Finance staff supports the areas in financial and HR matters.


Our teams work in their thematic areas, exchange information intensively with each other in our network, and perform interdisciplinary tasks.


Collaboration with the ZB

Our teams are closely linked to the ZB in the Liaison Librarian field as well as in the interdepartmental network.


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Prof. Dr. Rudolf Mumenthaler

Dr. Wilfried Lochbühler