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University Library Zurich

Our Projects

Bild Hauptgebäude Skulptur


The SWISSUbase is a repository built on a modular basis that applies to a large variety of research disciplines. SWISSUbase is developed out of FORSbase, the Swiss catalog to support data and projects in the social sciences. This is a cooperation of the Université de Lausanne (UNIL) with the UB Zurich, where the UB is responsible for the requirement clarification and specification of the UZH, such as data curation of linguistic data on a national level via LaRS.

Center for Digital Editions and Edition Analysis

The "Center for Digital Editions & Edition Analysis" connects the digital edition projects of the Faculties of Philosophy, Theology, and Law. It is being established in cooperation with the ZB. The aim is to make digital editions more visible and to promote technical standardization. The national Data and Service Center for the Humanities DaSCH is designated to ensure long-term availability.

Digital Skills for You (DISK4U)

The University Library participates in the DISK4U-Project of UZH and provides courses in Open Access and Open Data for students (bachelor to PhD). The UB courses are held through the School for Transdisciplinary Studies

Platinum Open Access Funding (PLATO)

In the Platinum Open Access Funding (PLATO)  project, six Swiss universities - the University of Zurich, the University of Bern, the University of Geneva, the University of Neuchâtel, the Zurich University of the Arts, and ETH Zurich - have joined forces to develop a sustainable funding model for Platinum Open Access publications in Switzerland. PLATO is co-founded by swissuniversities as part of the P-5 Open Access program. 

Open Library

The UB is liberalizing access to study spaces in its library locations. By 2024, 23 locations will be accessible with the UZH Card during opening hours of buildings. This will significantly increase the number of study spaces available.

Facilitated Access to Locations

The UB aims to provide self-checkout (services) at all locations by 2024. Therefore, all collections are in the process of being tagged with barcodes and RF identity tags.

  • Contact: Suanna Blaser Meyer, Franziska Gasser, Annika Rieder, Meret Fehlmann, Barbara Sommerauer
  • End of project: 2024

Occupancy and Reservation System

Users shall be able to verify and book vacant study spaces in the different locations in advance. Therefore, we are in the process of adding a capacity monitoring system to the different locations. Additionally, we are optimizing the already existing booking system, to ensure maximum efficiency.

Further Development of Study Spaces

The decentralized nature of the UB enables the remodeling of certain locations into dual-function spaces, i.e. spaces that can be used for teaching as well as studying. The UB aims to enlarge our catalog of learning spaces in collaboration with students and in consensus with lecturers, according to/while adhering to university didactics.

Streaming Platform for Movies

A movie streaming platform is being developed in collaboration with the Department of film studies.

Contract Negotiations with Major Publishing Houses

To assist in the national effort of the open-access strategy, the UB, under the chair of swissuniversities and in collaboration with the Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries, has been negotiating with the publishing houses Elsevier, Springer Nature, and Wiley since 2018. The first round of negotiations has been completed successfully with the Read&Publish Agreement in 2021.

The goal of the current round of negotiations is to optimize the open access publication route. The UB is a member of the negotiation delegation.

  • Contact: Wilfired Lochbühler, Mohamed El-Saad
  • End of project: 2025


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Bild DSI

Libraries of the Future

The project "DSI Community Libraries" researches and furthers development in the field digital libraries.

Bild Projekt AUB

UB Zürich: the Journey Continues

The UB opened in 2022 and is thus a young organization. By the end of 2023, we will consolidate services and further develop our cooperation with the ZB.