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The Oxford Bibliography lists a selection of relevant journals in the article«Ethnography»

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BrowZine allows access to our licensed e-journals structured by subject: Social and Cultural Anthropology

What journals should anthropologists read?

The choice of scientific journals is large, especially in ethnology. This has mainly to do with the thematic and regional diversity of the subject. Thus, the journal landscape can be roughly divided into regionally specialized, thematically specialized and general journals. Every year, there are attempts to make these journals comparable by means of journal rankings. This mainly involves measuring how often articles published in the journal are cited in subsequent years. This approach is problematic, however, because different readerships exist depending on the research area. Journal rankings are therefore not always reliable indicators of the actual quality of research and publication. Nevertheless, among ethnological journals without thematic or regional specialization, a rough list of the best can be identified. According to Niko Besnier, editor-in-chief of the "American Ethnologist," the following five journals are among the most important in the field: 

American Anthropologist

American Anthropologist

American Ethnologist

American Ethnologist

Cultural Anthropology

Cultural Anthropology

Current Anthropology

Current Anthropology

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

Diese fünf Zeitschriften haben den Anspruch, Artikel zu veröffentlichen, die für Ethnologinnen und Ethnologen unabhängig von ihrer thematischen und regionalen Spezialisierung relevant sind. Dabei ist zu beachten, dass die Zeitschriften „American Anthropologist“ und "Current Anthropology" sogenannte „four field“-Zeitschriften sind, die auch Artikel aus der Archäologie, Linguistik und der physischen Anthropologie veröffentlichen. 

Weitere wichtige und oft zitierte Zeitschriften sind laut Niko Besnier:

Anthropological Quarterly

Anthropological Quarterly

Anthropological Theory

Anthropological Theory

Anthropology Today

Anthropology Today

The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology

The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology

The Australian Journal of Anthropology

The Australian Journal of Anthropology

Comparative Studies in Society and History

Comparative Studies in Society and History

Critique of Anthropology

Critique of Anthropology

Cultural Dynamics

Cultural Dynamics





HAU - Journal of Ethnographic Theory

HAU - Journal of Ethnographic Theory



Journal of Anthropological Research

Journal of Anthropological Research

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

Journal of Contemporary Ethnography

Social Analysis

Social Analysis

Social Anthropology

Social Anthropology



Im deutschsprachigen Raum gehören die „Zeitschrift für Ethnologie“, „Sociologus“ und „Anthropos“ zu den meist gelesen und meist zitierten Zeitschriften. Auch die Zeitschrift „Tsantsa“, das Journal der Schweizerischen Ethnologischen Gesellschaft (SEG), konnte sich in den letzen Jahr als eine qualitativ hochstehende ethnologische Zeitschrift etablieren.

Stefan Leins

Other recommended open access journals for anthropology:

HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory

Cultural Anthropology

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