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University Library Zurich

Citing and Reference Management


In a scientific text, citations are used to place one's own hypotheses or results in the context of published research. Citations and bibliographies serve to clearly identify the source. If foreign sources are not mentioned, this is called plagiarism.

We recommend the use of a reference management software for knowledge organization and to ensure consistent citations and references,


Specific questions about citing?

Reference Management

The management of references/PDFs and the correct and consistent insertion of references and reference lists can be enormously facilitated with a reference management software program. The following programs are frequently used in medicine:


Windows, Mac Buy EndNote  (price see website)
Icon Vorteile Sharing via EndNote online account, PDF management, automated search for PDFs, individual citation style, several collections possible
Icon Daumen runter complexe software
play Endnote support and tutorials

EndNote Basic

web-based free (max. 50'000 references, 2GB)
Icon Vorteile Easy to use for reference management, many citiation styles
Icon Daumen runter Management of PDFs somewhat cumbersome
play Endnote Basic Quick Guide (PDF, 739 KB)


Windows, Mac, Linux free
Icon Vorteile Intuitive, good import quality from library catalogs/databases, Open Source
Icon Daumen runter Low free web storage space (300 MB)
play Zotero documentation
Zotero Forums

Master's Thesis: Citing with EntNote / EndNote Basic

The Master Thesis MeF manual recommends the use of the Vancouver citation style. For citing web sites, the EndNote Basic Vancouver style has been optimized so that the retrieval date and the update date are correctly indicated in the reference. Depending on whether the thesis is written in German or English, the applicable style (_dt or _en) can be used. In addition, a variant with DOI (digital object identifier) is offered.


modified Vancouver Styles for UZH (MeF)
EndNote Basic: Vancouver_UZH_MeF_dt
select the applicable style from the list Vancouver_UZH_MeF_dt_with_DOI
EndNote: Vancouver_UZH_MeF_dt (ENS, 44 KB)
install the applicable style Vancouver_UZH_MeF_dt_with_DOI (ENS, 44 KB)
Vancouver_UZH_MeF_en (ENS, 33 KB)
Vancouver_UZH_MeF_en_with_DOI (ENS, 34 KB)


Master's Thesis: Reference List with EndNote Basic

When inserting references in Word with EndNote Basic (also known as EndNoteWeb or EndNote Online), a reference list is automatically created at the end of the document. However, according to the sample thesis, the bibliography in the Master's thesis in medicine is followed by the chapters Acknowledgements, Curriculum Vitae and Declaration.

The automatically generated bibliography can be placed within the document before the acknowledgements this way

Divide the work into two documents:

  • The first document contains the master thesis up to the bibliography.
  • The second document contains the chapters Acknowledgement, Curriculum Vitae and Declaration.

When you have finished writing the first document, the Convert to Plain Text command can be used to create a copy that no longer contains EndNote formatting:


Convert to plain text


Subsequently, you can attach the second document following the bibliography in this copy.

Attention: This conversion cannot be undone. Afterwards, a correction of the references is only possible manually (not recommended) or the original document 1 must be corrected and converted to plain text again.

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