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University Library Zurich

How Do I Write a Data Management Plan (DMP)

1. Inform Yourself

What requirements does my funder have for the DMP?

Requirements of the SNSF

For the requirements of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), please consult the documents below.

Requirements of the SNSF for DMPs

How to structure your SNSF DMP

Requirements of the European Commission

For the requirements of the EC you can find further information here (you can select programs (e.g. HORIZON) in the dropdown menu):

Reference documents to apply for a project in the ERC

2. Create a Draft

Please use the section structure provided by your funding agency.

Templates by the SNSF

We have compiled the section structure of the SNSF in a word document:

DMP SNF (de) 

DMP SNF (en)

Writing guide for the different sections of your DMP (PDF, 440 KB)

Templates by the European Commission

The DMP templates for EU projects can be found under "Project Reporting Templates" in the Reference Documents.  Or go directly to the  Data Management Plan Template of HORIZON Europe.

Online tools with templates

DMP Online

Argos (by OpenAIRE)

3. Complete the DMP

Be as specific as possible when formulating your DMP for an application. But keep in mind: the DMP is a living document that you can and should continuously adapt as your project progresses.

You can find examples of DMPs on the website of the University Library Bern.

DMP review

Unsure if your DMP is sufficiently detailed? Our Open Science Services team will be happy to provide feedback. Contact us or send your draft to

Still unsure? We are happy to help.

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