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University Library Zurich

Legal Aspects

Bild Hauptgebäude

Being aware of the legal framework of your own research is an important part of scientific work. Here you will find all the necessary information on how to protect data privacy and your own rights as an author when publishing.

The copyright of a work arises automatically when the work is created. As the author (or creator), you can allow reuse of your work by others if you share it with a license.

Copyright and Licenses

Creative Commons Licenses

Publishing Contract and Author Rights

When publishing their work, authors usually assign certain rights of reuse to the publisher. In the publishing contract with the publisher, authors and the publisher specify whether these are exclusive or simple rights of use. Which rights authors cede can restrict how they might later want to reuse their own work.

Publishing Contract & Author Rights

Data Protection

Be it Facebook posts, medical measurements or interview material: whenever you work with data from individuals, you have a responsibility to protect their data.

Data Protection & Handling Sensitive Data

Initiated by the UB and University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. Reto M. Hilty and Dr. Matthias Seemann have prepared a legal opinion on the topic of "Open Access - Access to Scientific Publications in Swiss Law". The FAQs are a practice-oriented excerpt of their work.

Legal Opinion Self-Archiving

Weiterführende Informationen

Legal Questions about Publishing?