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Creative Commons Licenses are free standard licenses that allow copyright holders to easily grant rights to use their work to the public.
The non-profit organization Creative Commons offers 6 different licenses. You can combine them according to the modular principle:
License | Condition | Rights |
Attribution | You may reproduce, distribute, make publicly available, modify and commercially exploit the work. |
Attribution |
One may reproduce, distribute, make publicly available, modify and commercially exploit the work, but must share it under the same conditions. |
Attribution |
One may reproduce, distribute, make publicly available and commercially exploit the work, but not modify it. |
Attribution |
One may reproduce, distribute, make publicly available and modify the work, but not use it commercially. |
Attribution Non-commercial Share alike |
One may reproduce, distribute, make publicly available and modify the work, but not use it commercially, and must share it under the same conditions. |
Attribution Non-commercial No derivatives |
One may reproduce, distribute and make the work publicly available, but not use it commercially or modify it. |
You can find more info at:
This work is licensed under a CC-BY 4.0 International License (
Important are: The name of the license and the link to the license text.
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