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University Library Zurich

Research Data Management

As a researcher you work daily with a lot of digital data. Depending on the discipline you work with different types of data: measurement data, laboratory data, textual data, code, tabular data, audio data, visualizations, graphics, etc. Organising, storing and making such data reusable for the future has become a normal part of the research workflow. The University Library supports you in the handling of your data.

What Is Data Management?

Research data goes through various different stages during a research project. With structured research data management you can process your data during each stage safely, efficiently and also ensure that the data is reusable after the publication of the results.

What Is Data Management?

Find and Use Data

Researchers produce a lot of data every day. Some of that data is deposited in so-called repositories, i.e. digital archives. There are thousands of different repositories that are openly accessible and that you can choose from to deposit your own data or use to find existing datasets.

Find and Use Data

Document Data

Documenting your data makes it easier for you and others to reuse the data correctly at a later stage. Undocumented data are usually not reusable by others or by the researchers who created them.

Document Data

Share and Publish Data

Due to the Open Science Movement the publishing of one's own research data has increasingly become part of the research process itself. Research funders, such as the SNSF, require their grantees and authors to publish their data together with the publication. Inform yourself beforehand if and how you can publish your data.

Share and Publish Data


FAIR data are findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. By being FAIR, data can meet certain quality requirements for easy reuse.

FAIR data

Sensitive and personal data

If you work with sensitive and/or personal data you have to adhere to important legal and ethical aspects.

Working With Sensitive Data

News from our Blog

Weiterführende Informationen

Questions about research data management?

Christian Futter, Dr.
Elisabeth-Christine Gamer, Dr.
Melanie Röthlisberger, Dr.
Stefanie Strebel, Dr.

Tel. +41 44 635 47 49

We offer trainings, workshops and support for research data management and writing DMPs.

Data Stewardship at UZH

Center for Digital Editions

The «Center for Digital Editions & Analytics» connects the various digital edition projects of the faculties at the UZH.