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University Library Zurich

Funding for Publications

You can receive financial support for your OA publications through the following funding schemes:

Open Access Agreements of the University Library Zurich

UB Zurich has contracts with numerous publishers and pays article fees for UZH researchers in full or in part.
Support for APCs

UZH Publication Fund for Humanities and Social Sciences

The fund promotes OA publications in the relevant disciplines.
Publication fund for SSH

OA Publication Fund for Research on the 20th Century

The Zurich Central Library promotes OA publications on the social and intellectual history of the 20th century.
Willy Bretscher Open Access Publication Fund


Funding Instruments SNSF and EU Projects

The SNSF and the EU Commission fund OA publications by their grantees and, in some cases, independent researchers.

SNSF and EU project funding

Weiterführende Informationen

Questions about OA Publishing?

Margit Dellatorre
Cathrin Gantner
Tessa Gerber
Laetitia Kaiser
Samuel Nussbaum
Olivier Vogel

+41 44 635 41 62

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