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University Library Zurich

SNSF and EU Funding

Funding by the Swiss National Science Foundation

The SNSF promotes Open Access publications in all scientific disciplines. It does not support publications in hybrid formats financially.

Articles in OA journals (APC)

  • The SNSF pays grantees and collaborators of SNSF projects the fees for articles in OA-only journals
  • Articles have to be submitted via the OA-portal ChronosHub
  • APC are processed directly via ChronosHub without any additional application

more information on APCs

User Guide for ChronosHub

Please note: As of 1 January 2025 the SNSF, via their service provider ChronosHub, will only pay APC invoices directly to the publishers and no longer any reimbursements to authors. Authors must always submit their articles via ChronosHub. Reimbursements can still be claimed until 31 Dec 2024.

OA Book Publications (BPC)

  • Funding is possible regardless of reference to SNSF project
  • Submit applications via the OA platform mySNF

more information on BPCs


Book Chapter (BCPC)

  • The research on which the publication is based was funded by the SNSF to at least 50%
  • Submit applications via the OA platform mySNF

more information on BCPCs



Funding in EU Projects

Applicants of Horizon Europe projects may publish their results in journals of their choice under the following conditions:

  • Open Access access must be directly guaranteed at the time of publication.
  • A Creative Commons License or equivalent is required for publication. For monographs and comparable text formats, the license may exclude commercial use and editing of the work (e.g., CC BY-NC, CC BY-ND).
  • Only publication fees (APC/BPC) in pure OA journals are eligible for reimbursement (costs for this must be included in the project proposal budget).
  • Publication in hybrid journals is only possible if the publisher is covered by a Read&Publish agreement OR the hybrid APCs are paid from the research group's own funds.

Weiterführende Informationen

Questions about Funding by SNSF or EU?

Margit Dellatorre
Dr. Andrea Malits

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