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Which dissertations or habilitations are accepted in ZORA?
All dissertations and habilitations that originated at an institute/clinic/center of the University of Zurich. This also includes dissertations that were written at a UZH institute or UZH/ETH dual institute but submitted to ETH or another university. In such a case, select the empty field next to the "Faculty" field.
For dissertations, please refer to the handout "Dissertationen an der UZH" (PDF, 3 MB)
New members of the University of Zurich who would like to have their previous dissertation or habilitation from another university recorded in ZORA, it is the responsibility of the institute (clinic, center) to determine whether the work will be added to ZORA.
Is it mandatory to upload the full text (PDF) in ZORA for a dissertation or a habilitation?
The University of Zurich obliges its researchers to deposit a complete version of all published scientific works in ZORA with Open Access if there are no legal obstacles to this.
If the dissertation is additionally published as a journal article or as a monograph, this can result in two entries in ZORA. Once as type "Dissertation" and a second time depending on the publication type, "monograph" or "journal article". The deposit of full texts for "monographs" or "journal articles" depends on the respective publishing contract.
What counts as the publication year for dissertations and habilitations?
In principle, the publication year is the date on which the deposit copies were submitted to the library (UB, ZB, etc.). This date is decisive for ZORA and for the Academic Report. The date of completion of the doctoral examination does not apply.