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Are new editions of a book recorded in ZORA?
Yes, but only in the case of an edition whose content has been substantially modified. Reprints are not recorded in ZORA. In the case of a new edition, a new record is created in ZORA. The edition statement is recorded in the field “Edition”.
ZORA FAQs How are new editions or repeated editorship recorded?
How are new editions recorded?
For books, book chapters and editorship there is the field “Edition”, in which the information from the publication can be recorded.
In the case of an edition, whose content has been substantially modified, a new record is created in ZORA. Reprints are not recorded in ZORA.
The edition statement is recorded as it appears in the publication. Numbers und numbers written as words are transcribed exactly. First editions are also recorded, insofar as they are mentioned in the resource.
Examples: 6. Auflage / 2. Verb. Aufl. / Neue Auflage / First edition / 52nd edition
For yearbooks and editorship for periodicals there is the field “Previous Dates”. In this field the years in which the work was previously published can be recorded.
For entries that are already published in ZORA and cannot be changed by the submitter, the mutation form - that can be found via the link at the very bottom of the publication - can be used to request modifications.