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University Library Zurich


Does ZORA accept translations?

Pure translations without annotations are not included in ZORA. Translations with annotations are included, the translator and author of the annotations can be registered as author.

  •  Example 1, unsuitable for ZORA: Translation of "In the Temple of the Wild Geese". Verena Werner (ed.), Eduard Klopfenstein (ed.). Berlin, be.bra verlag 2008 (Japan Edition). Example in Swisscovery
  • Example 2, suitable for ZORA: Hayashi, Sho and Kaufmann, Paul: "Tanigawa Ken'ichi: On the Afterlife." Annotated translation from the Japanese, in: Memoirs of the Faculty of Education and Regional Studies (Vol. 64), University of Fukui 2008. Example in ZORA


How is a lexicon entry in three different languages recorded in ZORA?

As a single item, with one language in the "Title" field and the two other languages in the "Other title" field. All three languages can be selected under "Language".


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