What to deposit in ZORA?
As a rule, a publication in ZORA includes the following components:
- Full-text version (post-print or publisher's PDF)
- Bibliographic data
- Details for the academic report (vary according to publication type)
When should a publication be submitted to ZORA?
- When it is first published by the publisher with full text - this can be online (e.g. electronic publication before final or printed publication).
- Biomedicine, Life Sciences: if it appears in PubMed, this facilitates the entry in ZORA. If the time between publication at the publisher and listing in PubMed is too long, then it should be submitted to ZORA at the time of publication by the publisher, which may be online.
- NOT if the publication at the publisher is only accepted and announced (e.g. forthcoming papers, papers accepted for publication, prepublication of only an abstract). In this case, the publication is often returned to the submitter with the advice to wait for the time of publication by the publisher and then re-enter it in ZORA.
Which works do I publish in ZORA?
- Journal Articles
- Book Sections (incl. contributions to anthologies, encyclopedias and other scientific works)
- Monographs (incl. textbooks and schoolbooks)
- Dissertations
- Habilitations
- Master's Theses (only with OA full text)
- Newspaper Articles Accepted newspaper articles by faculty
- Edited Scientific Works
- Conference or Workshop Items
- Full articles only, i.e., no abstracts, posters, or PowerPoint presentations.
- If a conference paper is published in a book or scientific journal, it should be submitted as a book section or journal article in ZORA.
- Working Papers (complete studies formally published as papers on the Internet within working paper series).
- Published Research Reports
- Scientific Publication in Electronic Form (dissemination via publisher-like platforms. Scientific television and radio contributions, including CD-ROM and DVD-ROM).
The list of accepted publication types corresponds to a requirement of the university management. Since the publications in ZORA are automatically transferred to the publication section of the academic reports, the list of publication types can only be extended after consultation with the university management.
Which types of publications are unsuitable for ZORA?
In general, ZORA does NOT accept the following publications:
- Abstracts (conference papers published as abstracts only).
- Blog posts
- Scripts/teaching materials
- Internal, unpublished research reports and papers (e.g., internal research reports to funders, commissions, or offices)
- Pre-publications (pre-prints) that have not yet been published and are precursors to subsequent publishing publications (e.g. from arXiv, MedRxiv, bioRxiv, etc.)
- Posters
- Powerpoint presentations from conferences
- Conference papers and presentations that are not published
- articles in newspapers that are not listed in the guidelines
- pure translations without annotations
- Bachelor theses
Are “response to letters to the editor”, “comments to the editor”, etc. included in ZORA?
Yes, if they were published in one of the publication types in the guide, typically as a journal article or book section. They are usually considered "further contribution", not "original article". If the submitter indicates "non-refereed", even if the journal as such is considered refereed, the ZORA editors leave this indication (non-refereed). Reason: such publications are in fact often non-refereed, even if they appear in a refereed journal.