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University Library Zurich

Publishing Open Access in the journals of APS, ASM, and Wolters Kluwer

Since the beginning of the year, UZH members have been able to publish their articles as Open Access free of charge in the journals of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) and the American Physiological Society (APS). Additionally, the Read & Publish agreement with Wolters Kluwer has been extended.

APS and ASM are adopting the «Subscribe to Open (S2O)» model to transition their subscription journals to Open Access. Each journal in the publisher’s portfolio has set a revenue target each year to fund the journals to make the content freely accessible to all. If the annual revenue target is not met, the content of that journal remains accessible only within the University of Zurich’s network.

However, Open Access articles by authors affiliated with the University of Zurich will remain openly accessible regardless of the success of the transformation. The payment of a publication fee ("Page Charges", "Supplemental Material" or "Flat Fee to Publish") by the authors remains in place.

Read & Publish agreement with Wolters Kluwer has been renewed

This agreement provides access to the LWW Total Access Collection and enables members of the UZH and affiliated university hospitals to publish their articles Open Access in the publisher’s journals. A notable update is the inclusion of Gold Open Access journals in the agreement.

For more information of the respective publisher, as well as other agreements under which the University Library Zurich covers Open Access article fees, please visit the sectionArticle Fee Coverage

For any questions, please contact the Open Science Services Team at:
