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Learn about resources and research tools for working with language data with CLARIN-CH. From March to June every second Monday, online, 90min.
UZH members are able to publish their articles as Open Access free of charge in the journals of ASM and APS. Additionally, the Read & Publish agreement with Wolters Kluwer has been extended.
UZH members get access to the IEEE Xplore digital library as well as the option to publish articles directly in ZORA via Green Open Access.
To date, there is no R&P agreement with the publisher Wiley from 2025. swissuniversities is continuing to endeavour to reach an agreement.
To date, there is no Read&Publish agreement for LWW journals from 2025 onwards, but the consortium of Swiss university libraries continues to campaign for an agreement.
An overview of our opening hours over Christmas and New Year.
The annual quota for Open Access in American Chemical Society (ACS) and Wiley journals for the year 2024 has been reached.
On Thursday evening, 14th of November, the SchreibXplosion will take place on the Oerlikon campus. You can expect a variety of events all about writing and a data visualisation contest.
In October and November 2024 you receive access to all (over 300) e-books from the Thieme eRef textbook package.
Our course programme for autumn semester 24 is online. The most important courses at a glance.
From now on, members of the University of Zurich can use the UB English Literature & Linguistics every day from 7am to 11pm.
On 10 June 2024, swissuniversities, the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities, concluded a comprehensive Open Access agreement with Elsevier on behalf of the Swiss universities.
From 1 July to 1 September 2024, some UB locations will have different opening hours or will be closed.
Our article allocation for free Open Access publishing in Nature Research journals for the year 2024 has been reached.
From now on, members of the University of Zurich can use the UB Psychology every day from 7am to 11pm.
From 6 May at midday, members of the University of Zurich can use the UB Sciences every day from 7am to 11pm.
This year's BiblioWeekend is all about food. We offer cultural-scientific perspectives on it.
Our course program for the spring semester 24 is online. The most important courses at a glance.
Welcome to Switzerland's first national Diamond Open Access Conference.
UZH members now have free access to "". The AI tool makes it easier to find and evaluate the content of academic papers.
Open Access publishing under the agreement with American Chemical Society (ACS) will be possible again for members of the University of Zurich from 2024 onwards.
As of 16 October 2023, the UB German Studies & Nordic Language and Literature (in the Zentrum) and the UB Plant Sciences (in the Seefeld) are accessible to UZH members even outside service hours.
Open Access publishing under the agreement with Wiley will be possible again for members of the University of Zurich from 2024 onwards. Publication via the green Open Access route will continue to be possible free of charge via the institutional repository ZORA.
In October and November 2023, you receive access to more than 300 medical textbooks from Thieme Verlag as well as an extensive number of media files.
On Thursday, 26.10.2023, from 10:00am until 4:00pm, the UB book flea market will take place in the atrium of the main building. Here you can buy new and old books at a price of 5 francs per kilo.
Our course program for the fall semester 23 is online. The most important event series at a glance.
As of now, our 5 locations on the Oerlikon campus are accessible to UZH members outside of service hours.
On March 24, we will host three after-work talks on the Irchel campus and take you on three journeys of discovery around the world. The occasion is the nationwide "BiblioWeekend".
As of now, 5 UB Zurich locations are also accessible outside of service hours. By the end of 2023, we want to run another 18 library locations as «Open Libraries».
The layout of the swisscovery platform has been adapted again. This changes the ordering channels.
On February 24, our Open Sciences Services will launch a new Lunch & Learn event series on topics related to Open Science.
The UB Natural Sciences presents an exhibition on the Zurich polymath Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733).
Starting in 2023, UZH researchers can benefit from paying open access fees to additional publishers.
The UB and ZB Zurich will once again have access to journal articles published in 2022. The new license also includes a Read & Publish agreement.
An overview of our opening hours over Christmas and New Year.
The Swiss library statistics were published on 6.12.2022. The statistics provide interested parties with information on the structure, functioning and development of libraries.
Die Bedienoberfläche der Rechercheplattform swisscovery erscheint ab Montag, 14.11.2022 in einem neuen Layout und bietet neue Funktionen. Dadurch verändert sich der Bestellprozess.
From now on, access to our e-library via EZproxy is no longer done with the UZH short name, but with the SWITCH edu-ID.
UZH members will only be able to publish OA articles free of charge in the journals of the publisher Taylor&Francis again from 2023.
Throughout November, we'll be offering board games, digital games, and collaborative jigsaws at various UB locations.
The UB Law will have longer opening hours as of November.
On 27.10.2022, the UB book flea market will take place in the atrium of the main building. Here you can buy new and old books at a price of 5 francs per kilo.
UZH members will only be able to publish OA articles free of charge in the hybrid journals of the publisher Wiley again from 2023.
Researchers at the University of Zurich can now publish open access publications with the publisher De Gruyter free of charge.
The Language Repository of Switzerland - LaRS for short - has been online since September 2022. Linguistics researchers can now archive and publish their research data free of charge with LaRS.
We are holding a 3D printing competition at Campus Irchel. Submit in your 3D object and win a voucher.
Our new Coffee Lectures series starts on October 4th. Be up to date on swisscovery and discover our scientific toolkit.
Ab sofort können UZH-Mitarbeitende einen Forschungsapparat (FA) erstellen lassen. So können Dokumente aus der eigenen Standort-Bibliothek länger behalten werden, als dies mit einer normalen Ausleihe möglich ist.