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University Library Zurich

UB German Studies & Nordic Language and Literatur and UB Plant Sciences are now «Open Libraries»

As of 16 October 2023, the UB German Studies & Nordic Language and Literature (in the Zentrum) and the UB Plant Sciences (in the Seefeld) are accessible to UZH members even outside service hours.

The University Library of Zurich is on its way to becoming an "Open Library:" the goal is to make library spaces accessible for study and research throughout, thus fully exploiting the potential of these spaces.

Newly accessible with UZH Card from 7-23 o'clock

Newly accessible with UZH Card form 7-23  o'clock. The building is located in the Botanical Garden and is therefore only accessible during Gartenöffnungszeiten (arden opening hours).

UZH card access allows us to operate UB locations as "Open Libraries". This means that UZH members can access the locations during building opening hours, even if there is no staff on site. The counters will continue to be staffed during service hours. During service hours, the libraries are open to the public.

By the end of 2023, 23 UB locations will be equipped with UZH Card access.

Your feedback is requested

Give us your input so that together we can set up an optimal self-service. We are happy to accept your feedback online via a

Feedback-Padlet to the Open Libraries
