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University Library Zurich

How to publish in ZORA

In principle, all members of the University of Zurich are entitled to make entries in ZORA. To do so, you must either register as a submitter, or alternatively have your publication entered by a submitter from your institute.

Register as a submitter

As a submitter, you can enter or import your publications in ZORA yourself. Your data will then be checked by the ZORA editorial team and moved to the live archive.

ZORA Quick Start Guide (PDF, 266 KB)

register as a submitter

Become an editor

If you want to edit and release your publications in ZORA independently, you can apply to become an editor in ZORA.

Weiterführende Informationen

Questions about ZORA?

Margit Dellatorre
Tessa Gerber
Laetitia Kaiser
Olivier Vogel

+41 44 635 41 62

ZORA Login

Instructions on how to log in to ZORA

In case of problems please contact the support at

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