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University Library Zurich

New Exhibition "Naturwissen schaffen"

The UB Sciences is currently presenting an exhibition on the Zurich polymath Johann Jakob Scheuchzer (1672-1733). With the help of rare volumes, manuscripts, maps and fossils, it gives an impression of Scheuchzer's multifaceted work, the importance of which was only recognized late. 

Last August was the 350th anniversary of the birth of the Zurich polymath Johann Jakob Scheuchzer. Scheuchzer was a multifaceted and fascinating personality whose importance for the history of science and the history of Zurich was recognized only late. In recent decades, however, research has increasingly focused on the many facets of Scheuchzer's person and work.

Scheuchzer was driven by an almost insatiable thirst for knowledge, which was not least alimented by his strong Christian faith: Nature, created by God, was to him a second book of revelation next to the Bible. He wanted to "read" and understand this book of nature as thoroughly and comprehensively as possible.

In addition, he wanted to make the knowledge of nature accessible to broad sections of the population. From today's perspective, this makes him a personality who gave important impulses to the beginning epoch of the Enlightenment.

The exhibition conveys an impression of the versatility of Scheuchzer's work and the environment in which it took place by means of rare volumes and information posters as well as manuscripts, maps and fossils from Scheuchzer's collection. 

Location: UB Sciences, Campus Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190
Duration: February 2 until September 2023

Library opening hours: Monday-Friday, 8 am-8 pm
