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University Library Zurich

Closures and Holidays

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UB Popular Culture Studies & Film Studies: Staffed Info Desk in the Morning

From Monday, 3 March 2025 until further notice, the info desk of the UB Popular Culture Studies & Film Studies is only open in the mornings (Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 1:00pm) due to preparatory work for the planned move in 2026.

To borrow films, please report to the info desk in the morning or send us an e-mail to

UB Veterinary Medicine: Info desk not staffed

From Monday, 24 March, until Friday, 28 March 2025, the info desk of the UB Veterinary Medicine is not staffed, but the location is open regularly.

UB Communication Science: Increased Noise Level

On Friday, 28 March 2025, an event takes place at the UB Communication Science, which is why an increased noise level is to be expected from approx. 3:30pm to approx. 6:30pm.

UB Law: Extraordinary Closure

On Thursday, 27 March 2025, the UB Law will close at 6pm.

Closures and Holidays

UB locations are closed on these public holidays.

UZH members with a valid UZH Card have access to certain locations daily, i.e. also on public holidays. Access works via an automatic door opener.

Date Holiday Exceptions / comments
Thu, 17.04.2025, from 4:00pm Maundy Thursday *
Fri, 18.04.2025 Good Friday *
Sat, 19.04.2025 Holy Saturday *
Sun, 20.04.2025 Easter *
Mon, 21.04.2025 Easter Monday


Mon, 28.04.2025 Sechseläuten *
Thu, 01.05.2025 Labor Day *
Wed, 28.05.2025, from 4:00pm Eve of Ascension Day *
Thu, 29.05.2025 Ascension Day *
Sun, 08.06.2025 Whit Sunday


Mon, 09.06.2025 Whit Monday


Fri, 01.08.2025 Swiss National Day


Mon, 15.09.2025 Knabenschiessen *
Wed, 24.12.2025 Christmas Eve *
Thu, 25.12.2025 Christmas *
Fri, 26.12.2025 Boxing Day


Sat, 27.12.2025    
Sun, 28.12.2025  


Mon, 29.12.2025    
Tue, 30.12.2025    
Wed, 31.12.2025 New Years Eve *
Thu, 01.01.2026 New Year


Fr, 02.01.2026 Berchtoldstag *

* UZH members with a valid UZH Card have access to certain locations daily, i.e. also on public holidays. Access works via an automatic door opener.

For information about special closures of individual locations see Locations.

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